Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stalkers 2

This is the kind of girl that wants to rip your balls off and wear them as a hat(Shane Dawson reference). Last year my freind dan dated this girl named mariah. They stopped seeing each other because dan told this girl he had hockey practice and couldn't hang out when he was at her house. He went to the movies instead with a really nice normal girl. She went to the same movie and saw them there... Coincidence? I don't think I'll ever know bit it really makes you wonder. Just weird, one time Mariah was texting dan asking if she cOuls send him pictures of herself naked. She texted him all the time talking about how she pregnant and getting married(lie), just all kinds of stuff. Everytime she texts him he tells her to leave him alone and this and that, she never does. She comes to his house ad silly string his car, this gets quite annoying. That right there just makes me annoyed an therefore angry.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Compulsive Liars

Someone on defines this as "Someone living in a fantasy world of their own creation. Generally lies to either make themselves look cool or to become more popular. Compulsive liars also lie to gain the upper-hand in argueements or confrontations and to provoke sympathy from their peers." That I think is a very good way to describe all possible motives behind this. A more pissed off individual wrote " An asshole who is always clowing shit out his mouth. And makes up stories to make himself look better, but winds up just driving hinmself further into the already huge hole in the ground." That is a quite extreme definition, but a good one. I don't understand when people feel the lie, and it makes me SO MAD when they do. 95% of the time they aren't even good lies, horribly thought out and there is nothing to back it up. My freind Garrett who I have been freinds with for years has made up two of the worst ones. In junior high he told everyone he had cancer, I talked to his mom about it and wow was that easy to bust. Another one he told me was that he brought a barracuda home from the junkyard and he is paying a guy to keep it for him. After a week of him telling me about this barracuda I said alright, lets go see it. That was awkward. One of the easiest to prove happened this year from a certain someone. He said he had been to Qdoba before school, third period, and fifth period. Me and my bud Dan were at doba all through fifth period he never showed up. We were watching both doors all through the period. What a retarded thing to lie about and ugh it makes me so mad.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Religous Individuals

Being someone who doesn't believe in god I hate it when people are obviously religious. Now of course I don't mind if you go to church, pray at night, or love whatever god it is that you believe in. It really makes me mad when people try to push that god onto another person against their will. For example I heard a story about a couple who was trying for a baby. When they went in to check the sex of the child they found out he had a one in a million disease that would kill the baby no matter what for sure before it left the womb. Instead of waiting for the child to grow and then deliver it they decided as a couple to get an abortion. While at the abortion clinic they were being harassed by fanatics outside who were pro-life. With large signs and loud chants against abortion they were making this couple feel worse than they already do by rubbing it in their faces that they are doing something even they don't want to do, even if it's the right thing. I also hate it when on facebook or inside public speeches they put something about "God my lord and savior" or "Jesus who will protect us all". I don't want to hear that shit if you want to talk about god either lock yourself in a closet or stfu.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bad Drivers

This is one everyone should be able to relate too. I hate basically everyone not within the ages of 16-45 and a few other groups I probably shouldnt say in polite company(asians anyone?). When people dont use a turn signal, really? the 5 inch gap you can reach with your finger from the steering wheel is too much for you. I usually just assume they are mentaly challenged or don't actually know how to operate a motor vehicle. I hate it when people with slow vehicles try to brag about how nice their cars are. I dont care if someone has a bad, or old car. I like to think that they have... character. But bragging about racing a mustang and beating it when your 0-60 is over 14 seconds the day it was made, not to mention its 40 years old is just stupid and makes you look like a tool. One of the things I hate the most is when somebody is trying to turn right and the person in front of them is going left or straight and there is no turn lane. Instead of waiting, following the law and not looking like a total ass they decide to sneak around go into the bike lane and go ahead. Yesterday I was driving with my dad and a cop passed us in the other lane going 10+ what we were going, and we were already speeding. The road merged into one lane and there was someone stopped turning left, instead of slowing down and waiting the cop flys into the bike lane (cutting off four bikers) skidding on the dirt. He gains control of his car and keeps going faster. No lights, nothing. If he actually had to be somewhere he should have put on his lights or his siren.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Juvenile Prostitution

Those girls who get their idea of fashion from barbies or bratz dolls. The 7th graders who give ****jobs to their teachers for A's, and then go home and play with their new polly pockets. I really hate when a girl dresses like a hooker, and hasn't even taken health class yet. When you think about it they are kind of like dogs who chase cars, if they ever caught one they would have no idea what to do with it. I believe the reasoning behind it is because they want to be a "big kid" now. This is a feeble attempt at this though, because this won't change their parents mind.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wannabe Gangsters

I hate those homies who have to take up half a hallway with their legs spread so wide, all because they can't buy a belt. Sometimes people who dress like this are polite. Others sit and act like they have to prove themselves by staring down everyone who walks by. So these toolbags sit around with their ugly girlfriends who like doing crack and pretend that their cool. What they don't realize is that their stupid attire makes them look like they just stole some of my sister’s capris from Limited Too. In reality, especially in Fort Collins, there aren’t any cold blooded drug running gangsters. The dollar store plastic gold chains and those sweet Air Jordans they "stole" from the Nike outlet mall (Christmas present from Grammy) are just more proof to how idiotic they really are. Just idiots who want to be cool, so they act hardcore and listen to Little Wayne (Excuse me 'Lil).